RHSC Meritorious Service Award
RHSC Meritorious Service Award is presented for highly valued and long-continued service to the Society (established 2007).
2021 |
Mr. Donald Mayers Retired Treasurer, BC/Yukon Branch |
2019 |
Lieutenant-Commander (ret'd) Steve J. Cowan, CD, LRHSC, UE President, BC/Yukon Branch |
Robbie D. Sprules Marketing & Advertising Director |
Captain Jason C. Burgoin, CD, FSA Scot 1st Vice President |
2015 |
Allan Ailo President, Vancouver Branch |
John W. Neill President, BC/Yukon Branch |
2013 |
Blair K. Churchill |
2009 |
Shirley K. Greenwood, FRHSC (Hon) |
2007 |
Graham Anderson†, FRHSC Cowichan Herald Extraordinary |
Lawrence J., Patten, FRHSC, CSHA |
Kevin Greaves, CD, MD, FRHSC President: 2001-2006 |
John Wilkes†, FRHSC (Hon) Honorary Secretary |
† Deceased