Biography: Robert D. Watt, LVO, AIH, FRHSC |
Robert D. Watt, LVO, AIH, FRHSC | |
Married to Alison Jean Logan, 29 September 1973, they are the parents of two children, Michael Andrew Logan Watt and Catherine Nicola Logan Watt. Robert worked as an archivist in the Public Archives of Canada, 1969-1970, was the Vancouver City Archivist, 1971-1973, the Curator of History, Vancouver Centennial Museum, 1973-1976, and Chief Curator until 1988. He received the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 and numerous international and national awards and honours for his work in Heraldic Sciences. Upon his appointment as Chief Herald in 1988, Robert developed two special heraldic symbols--the Loyalist civil coronet coronet and military coronet for persons with proven descent from Loyalists or of incorporations founded by and/or influenced by Loyalists. The latter can be granted to individuals with a Loyalist ancestor who served in one of the Loyalist regiments. He retired from the post of Chief Herald of Canada in 2007. Robert has published close to forty books, articles and pamphlets on historical, archival or heraldic topics. He has a particular interest in architecture, stained glass and Heraldic stained glass as well as a deep appreciation for the need to honour and preserve the collections left to us by our ancestors. Honours and awards