Biography: David E. Rumball, CD, UE, MA, FRHSC(Hon), OLJ |
David E. Rumball, CD, UE, MA, FRHSC(Hon), OLJ | |
David has been involved with numerous charities locally in his hometown of Peterborough, Ontario as well as provincially and nationally. He and his wife Kimberley are charter members of the Basset Hound Rescue of Ontario, a charity devoted to rescuing displaced bassets and finding them a forever home. David’s interest in heraldry was fostered by a former president of the Society, the late LCol Jim Cook who was a long-time friend. David’s historical interests led him to write all three heraldry exams in as many years, earning the designation of Licentiate in 2003. He was granted his own arms in 2002, which he had designed himself. Since then he has helped design arms that were granted for several people as well as a church! In 2009 he was honoured to be elected an Honorary Fellow of the RHSC. Honours & Awards